No. Title Date
41 Arch Creek Trust Membership Booth at Oleta River Park Earth Day, 1990 1990-04
42 Arch Creek Trust Newsletter - Special issue, 2015 May 2015-05
43 Arch Creek Trust Newsletter, 1991 December 1991-12
44 Arch Creek Trust, Policy Statement 001, July 16, 1986 1986-07-16
45 Audience at an event at the Arch Creek Park, August 7, 2010 2010-08-07
46 Audience for Harps in the Park, April 25, 1993 1992-04-25
47 Benice and Richard Stark, part of the Group that Donated Funds to Purchase the Military Trail Addition 2002
48 Board Meeting Minutes, June 3, 1991 1991-06-03
49 Bridge Footings with 135th Street dam in the background 1986-1987
50 Bridge nearing completion, 1987 1987
51 Carol Helene and Susan Weiss at 1991 Arch Creek Park Work Day 1991
52 Carole Helene and Brenda Marshall at Event in Arch Creek Park, January 1993 1993-01
53 Certificate of Recognition for Dade County Historic Site Arch Creek Archaeological site 1985-02-20
54 Cleared and planted Military Trail from gate looking to the north outside of the park, 2003 2003-06
55 Cleared Military Trail looking south into the park,2005 2005-04
56 Collapse of the Arch Creek natural bridge 1973-02-21
57 Commissioner Harvey Ruvin speaking at an Arch Creek event 1983-04-18
58 Dade Heritage Days 1988 1988-04
59 Damage from Hurricane Frances facing west adjacent to Military Trail and railroad, 2004 2004
60 Dean Reynolds holding coontie root 2003-10