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Plan for the Peso de Burgo House and outbuildings based off 1780 lot layout
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Plan for the Peso de Burgo House and outbuildings based off 1780 lot layout
Adjusting a joint during the construction of the Peso de Burgo House
An artist rendering of the layout of the Peso de Burgo site in 1780
Beginning construction on the Peso de Burgo House, seen from St. George Street, looking Southeast
Center of the Peso de Burgo property, prior to construction, looking South (Haas House on the left)
Corner foundation pier, construction of the Peso de Burgo House
Detail of the floor sill on a foundation pier, construction of the Peso de Burgo House
East elevation of the Paffe property, prior to demoltion, looking Southwest
Northern edge of the Peso de Burgo property with foundation piers in place, looking East
Peso de Burgo House construction photograph
Peso de Burgo lot cleared prior to construction, looking west across St. George Street (Welborn prop...
Plan for the Peso de Burgo House and outbuildings based off 1780 lot layout
Rear yard of the Peso de Burgo site, prior to the demolition of the Paffe property, looking West
Sawing a joint during the construction of the Peso de Burgo House
Setting the floor sill during the construction of the Peso de Burgo House
Southeast corner of the Paffe property, prior to demoltion, from the rear entrance to the property
Southern edge of the Peso de Burgo property with foundation piers in place, looking East
Starting construction of the Peso de Burgo House, southwest corner, looking Northeast
The east elevation (Service Yard) of the De Mesa Sanchez House (card is mislabeled)
The eastern edge of the Peso de Burgo property, from the northeast corner of the property looking So...
The northeast end of the Paffe property (prior to demolition), seen from the back yard, looking West
West elevation of the Paffe property, prior to demolition, from St. George Street in front of the De...
Western edge of the Peso de Burgo property, looking North
Western edge of the Peso de Burgo property, looking South (Oliveros House on the right)
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