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Tamiami Trail history notes
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This item is only available as the following downloads:
[Essay] Early stages of trail building reviewed by Neal, dredge master. ( .pdf )
[Essay] C.G. Washbon gives striking picture of magnitude of work. ( .pdf )
[Essay] Trail blazing in motor cars was adventure. ( .pdf )
[Essay] Highlights of Trail History. ( .pdf )
[Essay] Trail holds interest to tourists who love wild life and nature. ( .pdf )
[Essay] Transportation was once a big problem. ( .pdf )
[Essay] State engineer draws vivid picture of trail work. ( .pdf )
[Essay] Miami "quicksand" not found on trail. ( .pdf )
[Essay] Tamiami Trail West is visualized as gate of opportunity. ( .pdf )
[News article] White advisor to Seminoles saves killer. ( .pdf )
[Essay] Extensive logging operations carried on near Dupont. ( .pdf )
[Essay] Immokalee-Everglades highway connects county seat with central Florida. ( .pdf )
[Essay] Across the treacherous Florida Everglades on an Indian Chief. ( .pdf )
[News article] J. M. Barfield gives credit to Barron G. Collier for progress. ( .pdf )
[News article] Mrs. Barfield is interested in her county. ( .pdf )
[Essay] Creation of Collier County from Old Lee was historic step. ( .pdf )
[News article] Dream of Tamiami Trail Blazers realized. ( .pdf )
[News article] Marco Island famous among archeologists. ( .pdf )
[Essay] Miamians first in promoting Tamiami Trail. ( .pdf )
[Essay] Importance of three M's on trail stressed: money, men and machinery . . . ( .pdf )
[Essay] Story of early days of trail history is interestingly told . . . ( .pdf )
[Essay] Hathaway writes of trail project and discusses the work. ( .pdf )
Tamiami Trail history notes, 1927-1928. ( .pdf )
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