Te olvidare

Material Information

Te olvidare
Merodio, Manuel ( Composer )
Irene Lopez
Place of Publication:
Mexico City
Ediciones COMPAS
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
Sheet Music (21 p.); 26 cm
Physical Location:
Box 23 T1


Subjects / Keywords:
Sheet music ( lcsh )
Partitura general ( lcsh )
Bolero (Music) ( lcsh )


General Note:
Libertad Lamarque - Sheet Music Collection. Includes parts for: conducting score, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, alto saxophone, double bass, violas, cello, violin, trombone and trumpet.
General Note:
Libertad Lamarque - Coleccion de Partituras. Incluye partichela para: conduccion, saxofon tenor, saxofon baritono, saxofon alto, bajo, violas, cello, violin, trombon y trompeta.
General Note:
The digitization of Libertad Lamarque musical score collection (1915 - 1965) was possible thanks to the collaboration of the Southeast Florida Library Information Network (SEFLIN), through the 2018 Breakthrough Digitization Award Program.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Diaz Ayala Collection
Rights Management:
The Sound and Image Department at FIU Library does not claim copyright for any item in the collection. Copies for transmission, broadcast, reproduction, publishing, etc., not covered by fair use, require the written permission of the copyright owners. The user assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and fees as well as any infringement of United States copyright law (U.S. Code, Title 17).
Resource Identifier:
LLSM ( local )