Go to thumbnail:
Photograph, recto: [Aerial view of St. Francis Hospital on Allison Island] |
Photograph, recto: [View of entrance to St. Francis Hospital on Allison Island] |
Document, cover: The Board of Public Instruction of Dade County, Florida, 1947 |
Document, p. 1: Excerpt of Minutes of the Meeting Held by the Board of Public Instruction of Dade County, Florida |
Document, p. 2 |
Photograph, recto: [View of two runners receiving a torch and shaking hands with Mayor Chuck Hall (1971 - 1974) at the Pier Park in Miami Beach] |
Flier, recto: The City of Miami Beach Dedication of the Miami Beach International Sunshine Pier at Government Cut entrance to the harbor at Miami Beach, 1978 |
Flier, verso |
Flier, recto: [Program for The City of Miami Beach Dedication of the Miami Beach International Sunshine Pier at Government Cut entrance to the harbor at Miami Beach] |
Flier, verso |
Pamphlet, cover: [Information pamphlet for City of Miami Beach personnel. Illustrations of different buildings and other scenes of Miami Beach] |
Pamphlet, unnumbered page |
Pamphlet, unnumbered page |
Pamphlet, p. 1: Miami Beach's Civil Service System |
Pamphlet, p. 2 |
Pamphlet, p. 3 |
Pamphlet, p. 4 |
Pamphlet, p. 5 |
Pamphlet, p. 6 |
Pamphlet, p. 7 |
Pamphlet, p. 8 |
Pamphlet, p. 9 |
Pamphlet, p. 10 |
Pamphlet, p. 11 |
Pamphlet, p. 12: [Aerial photographic illustration of Miami Beach north of the Roney Plaza] |
Photograph, recto: [View of the Coburn Public School, ca. 1927] |
Photograph, verso |
Photograph, recto: [View of the Miami Beach Junior Senior High School, 1923] |
Photograph, recto: [View of St. Francis Hospital on Allison Island, 1926] |