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1. Egret chick on nest, 1929? no. 278-50. |
2. Great Egret, 1929. no. 305-50. |
3. Brown Pelican rookery: man with hand in bill of adult bird, 1929. no. 308-50. |
4. Anhinga or cormorant fledglings on nest, 1929. no. 324-50. |
5. Great Egret, in breeding plumage and on nest with eggs, 1929. no. 326-50. |
6. Turkey, 1929. no. 327-50. |
7. Wading birds flying over the Everglades, 1929. no. 440-50 and 444-50. |
8. Wading birds flying over the Everglades, 1929. no. 440-50 and 444-50. |
9. Brown Pelican feeding its chicks, 1931. no. 731-50. |
10. Wood Stork, 1933? no. 819-50. |
11. White Ibis on nest, 1933. no. 803-50. |
12 Snowy Egret (in breeding plumage) with nestlings, 1931? no. 748-50. |